
Landcare is a non-governmental community movement dedicated to preventing land degradation and achieving sustainable land management. It consists of a network of local volunteer groups of which there are over 1700 in New South Wales alone. Each group works to find local solutions to local problems such as salinity, soil degradation, animal pests, weeds, vegetation loss, waterside erosion, poor water quality, coastal degradation and urban land degradation. If you appreciate how lucky we are in the Helensburgh district to enjoy a relatively unspoiled bush environment you should also be aware that it is under serious threat. read more

Saturday 24 February 2018

Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 4 March 2018

Australia has one of the best natural landscapes in the world.
From our pristine beaches, ancient forests and flourishing sealife, we have some of the most unique flora and fauna.
But the rubbish we create through mass consumption is choking our streets, beaches, parks, bushland and waterways.
And along the way it's killing one of our best assets: nature.
We are all part of the problem - but YOU can also be part of the solution.
Because when the rubbish is gone, nature can carry on ....

Helensburgh & District Landcare Group will once again be providing an opportunity for local residents to help Clean Up Australia. Come along to the Registration Point, The Old Mine Surgery, 78 Parkes Street, Helensburgh, between 10 am and 1 pm, on Sunday 4 March. Pick up a bag and then clean up an area of your own choice – maybe your local street or along the footpath where you regularly walk. Anywhere you have seen rubbish along the streets, footpaths, parks, bushland and creeks in our local area, this is your opportunity to do your bit for our local environment.

Please wear a hat and sturdy shoes, and bring gloves and water.

For more information email merilyn@helensburghlandcare.org.au or ring 0414 819 742

You can also register on-line before the day at https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/Helensburgh+township